
In the future, cloning has advanced rapidly and it is acceptable to clone all animals except humans. Adam Gibson, a helicopter pilot, returns home one day and finds out that he has been cloned and that the clone is now living with his family. When Replacement Technology’s (the biggest cloning franchise) CEO, Michael Drucker, finds out that the original Adam is still alive, he sends out thugs to kill him. When these three die repeatedly in an attempt to kill Adam, Drucker just clones them and sends them out on the mission again. When Adam finally confronts Drucker, he learns that HE is the actual clone.  The movie ends with the death of Drucker and Adam decides to leave the country to start his own business.

“In paying attention to potentially thought-provoking issues, the writers neglect basic storytelling.”  -- Michael Dequina, Newsweek

“A calculated but winning piece of back-to-basics entertainment... with two Arnolds for the price of one.” – Brent Simon, Entertainment Today


Should there be a limit on how many times we can clone others? When do we draw the line?